Japanese decorative oval shaped porcelain bowl has hand painted scene of a woman and children in garden with oversized florals.
Chinese large cloisonné footed bowl with interior center medallion in gold of a stylized Buddhist Vajra surrounded by lotus plants on turquoise ground, exterior decoration mimics the same florals.
Chinese green stone bowl shaped as a lotus leaf has three lotus buds, etched liner leaf detailing, underside has low relief stems. SOLD
Consignment: Chinese footed porcelain bowl of dark blue exterior has eight sides with different low relief icons including potted plants and garden scenes.
Black lacquer painted Japanese footed bowl with lid has red, gold and brown decorative elements including Yin & Yang.
Japanese porcelain Saji Nippon hand painted bowl with floral decoration on the exterior and an interior medallion of florals and a bird.
Chinese footed yellow glaze porcelain bowl with lid has five different colored dragons on the lid amid various colored clouds.
Indian brass rice bowl scooper has overall liner design with raised vine and heart shaped detailing at the rim.
Blue & white hand painted footed Japanese saki bowl with rim edged in brown, exterior design of birds and a panel with figural and floral images, interior tassel design at rim.
Ceramic IKebana pedestal bowl of green ground with interior striations in purple and tan, tan banding on stem.
Ikebana ceramic footed bowl in the Japanese style has a red mottled glaze on a ribbed exterior, wire 'frog' on the interior.
Contemporary Japanese style ceramic bowl with spout has dark grey ground with white banding at rim, glaze has 'sparkle' effect on both interior and exterior.